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The availability of previously unrepresented property auditing data in an easily digestible and interactive view, enables an effective and united team approach. The property managers, portfolio managers, service partners and consultants can monitor and target improvements relating to property condition and the level of service partner.

Our Technical Services Consultants for both Engineering Services and Vertical Transportation auditing are utilising our bespoke engineering maintenance and management application EMMA. All audits over our entire portfolio of term consultancy instructed properties are now being undertaken using EMMA.

Our consultants are undertaking our audits electronically which enables us to streamline the process and still maintain a high level of quality assurance in our products.  Once our audit is completed it is uniquely, and securely, shared via Site-Info with clients and contractors enabling them to interactively review the findings of our audits. This includes supporting images or videos, actionable items via a dashboard that also provides both full repots and the Summary Report outlining the actionable items identified.

Our audit delivery enables the various Property managers and service partners to manage the findings in an efficient and more productive way. The service partners are able to utilise the specifically curated ‘Summary Report’ as an action plan for items identified. Portfolio Managers and nationwide managers are also able to review the progress of properties, portfolios and service partners in greater detail with the ability to review highlighted items that were not previously easily accessible.

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