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  • Co-founder and director GG 1st Application of a condensing boiler in the U.K and in 1985 involved in the 1st application of a condensing convector heater in Europe.

  • Our other co-founder Dragos was responsible for the Feasibility study + outline design for CHP scheme at Imperial College London

  • When we were founded, Focus FMs First Instruction – 8 Energy Audits for Old Park Lane Management. A client we are proud to say we still work with.

  • We started our Energy Week’s, with a focus on tenant engagement.

  • Following the EPBD-Focus FM among the first accredited to iSBEM at BRE. We were also among the first accredited LCC at CIBSE and responsible for the first Level 5 DSM EPC in England and Wales.

  • We created Site Info, a bespoke purpose cloud based document manager that was well ahead of its time.

  • We developed a bespoke assessment tool for JLL, based on the BBP Sustainability toolkit for managing agents.

  • Our Technical bureau went live, consisting of a helpdesk, Scheduler and database, which would be instrumental in ensuring we achieve any agreed programme.

  • Assisted develop the Water Quality Management Best practice procedures for closed water systems for JLL

  • CIBSE LCC Energy Management Systems Specialist for ISO 50001

  • Won Energy Consultant of the year award, which we retained the following year. It was also the year we were achieved accreditation as a LEED AP.