Co-founder and director GG 1st Application of a condensing boiler in the U.K and in 1985 involved in the 1st application of a condensing convector heater in Europe.
Our other co-founder Dragos was responsible for the Feasibility study + outline design for CHP scheme at Imperial College London
When we were founded, Focus FMs First Instruction – 8 Energy Audits for Old Park Lane Management. A client we are proud to say we still work with.
We started our Energy Week’s, with a focus on tenant engagement.
Following the EPBD-Focus FM among the first accredited to iSBEM at BRE. We were also among the first accredited LCC at CIBSE and responsible for the first Level 5 DSM EPC in England and Wales.
We created Site Info, a bespoke purpose cloud based document manager that was well ahead of its time.
We developed a bespoke assessment tool for JLL, based on the BBP Sustainability toolkit for managing agents.
Our Technical bureau went live, consisting of a helpdesk, Scheduler and database, which would be instrumental in ensuring we achieve any agreed programme.
Assisted develop the Water Quality Management Best practice procedures for closed water systems for JLL
CIBSE LCC Energy Management Systems Specialist for ISO 50001
Won Energy Consultant of the year award, which we retained the following year. It was also the year we were achieved accreditation as a LEED AP.